Command-Line Interface


write-table-to-pickle -h
usage: write-table-to-pickle [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [--config CONFIG] [--print-args PRINT_ARGS] [-i IN_TYPE] [-o OUT_TYPE] rspecifier value_out [key_out]

Write a kaldi table to pickle file(s)

    The inverse is write-pickle-to-table

positional arguments:
  rspecifier            The table to read
  value_out             A path to write (key,value) pairs to, or just values if key_out was set. If it ends in ".gz", the file will be gzipped
  key_out               A path to write keys to. If it ends in ".gz", the file will be gzipped

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Verbose level (higher->more logging)
  --config CONFIG
  --print-args PRINT_ARGS
  -i IN_TYPE, --in-type IN_TYPE
                        The type of kaldi data type to read. Defaults to base matrix
  -o OUT_TYPE, --out-type OUT_TYPE
                        The numpy data type to cast values to. The default is dependent on the input type. String types will be written as (tuples of) strings


write-pickle-to-table -h
usage: write-pickle-to-table [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [--config CONFIG] [--print-args PRINT_ARGS] [-o OUT_TYPE] value_in [key_in] wspecifier

Write pickle file(s) contents to a table

    The inverse is write-table-to-pickle

positional arguments:
  value_in              A path to read (key,value) pairs from, or just values if key_in was set. If it ends in ".gz", the file is assumed to be gzipped
  key_in                A path to read keys from. If it ends in ".gz", the file is assumed to be gzipped
  wspecifier            The table to write to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Verbose level (higher->more logging)
  --config CONFIG
  --print-args PRINT_ARGS
  -o OUT_TYPE, --out-type OUT_TYPE
                        The type of kaldi data type to read. Defaults to base matrix


compute-error-rate -h
usage: compute-error-rate [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [--config CONFIG] [--print-args PRINT_ARGS] [--print-tables PRINT_TABLES] [--strict STRICT] [--insertion-cost INSERTION_COST]
                          [--deletion-cost DELETION_COST] [--substitution-cost SUBSTITUTION_COST] [--include-inserts-in-cost INCLUDE_INSERTS_IN_COST]
                          [--report-accuracy REPORT_ACCURACY]
                          ref_rspecifier hyp_rspecifier [out_path]

Compute error rates between reference and hypothesis token vectors

    Two common error rates in speech are the word (WER) and phone (PER), though the
    computation is the same. Given a reference and hypothesis sequence, the error rate

        error_rate = (substitutions + insertions + deletions) / (ref_tokens * 100)

    Where the number of substitutions (e.g. "A B C -> A D C"), deletions (e.g. "A B C ->
    A C"), and insertions (e.g. "A B C -> A D B C") are determined by Levenshtein

positional arguments:
  ref_rspecifier        Rspecifier pointing to reference (gold standard) transcriptions
  hyp_rspecifier        Rspecifier pointing to hypothesis transcriptions
  out_path              Path to print results to. Default is stdout.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Verbose level (higher->more logging)
  --config CONFIG
  --print-args PRINT_ARGS
  --print-tables PRINT_TABLES
                        If set, will print breakdown of insertions, deletions, and subs to out_path
  --strict STRICT       If set, missing utterances will cause an error
  --insertion-cost INSERTION_COST
                        Cost (in terms of edit distance) to perform an insertion
  --deletion-cost DELETION_COST
                        Cost (in terms of edit distance) to perform a deletion
  --substitution-cost SUBSTITUTION_COST
                        Cost (in terms of edit distance) to perform a substitution
  --include-inserts-in-cost INCLUDE_INSERTS_IN_COST
                        Whether to include insertions in error rate calculations
  --report-accuracy REPORT_ACCURACY
                        Whether to report accuracy (1 - error_rate) instead of the error rate


normalize-feat-lens -h
usage: normalize-feat-lens [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [--config CONFIG] [--print-args PRINT_ARGS] [--type TYPE] [--tolerance TOLERANCE] [--strict STRICT]
                           [--pad-mode {zero,constant,edge,symmetric,mean}] [--side {left,right,center}]
                           feats_in_rspecifier len_in_rspecifier feats_out_wspecifier

Ensure features match some reference lengths

    Incoming features are either clipped or padded to match reference lengths (stored as
    an int32 table), if they are within tolerance.

positional arguments:
  feats_in_rspecifier   The features to be normalized
  len_in_rspecifier     The reference lengths (int32 table)
  feats_out_wspecifier  The output features

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Verbose level (higher->more logging)
  --config CONFIG
  --print-args PRINT_ARGS
  --type TYPE           The kaldi type of the input/output features
  --tolerance TOLERANCE
                        How many frames deviation from reference to tolerate before error. The default is to be infinitely tolerant (a feat I'm sure we all desire)
  --strict STRICT       Whether missing keys in len_in and lengths beyond the threshold cause an error (true) or are skipped with a warning (false)
  --pad-mode {zero,constant,edge,symmetric,mean}
                        If frames are being padded to the features, specify how they should be padded. zero=zero pad, edge=pad with rightmost frame, symmetric=pad with
                        reverse of frame edges, mean=pad with mean feature values
  --side {left,right,center}
                        If an utterance needs to be padded or truncated, specify what side of the utterance to do this on. left=beginning, right=end, center=distribute
                        evenly on either side


write-table-to-torch-dir -h
usage: write-table-to-torch-dir [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [--config CONFIG] [--print-args PRINT_ARGS] [-i IN_TYPE] [-o {float,double,half,byte,char,short,int,long}]
                                [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX] [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                rspecifier dir

Write a Kaldi table to a series of PyTorch data files in a directory

    Writes to a folder in the format:


    The contents of the file "<file_prefix><key_1><file_suffix>" will be a PyTorch
    tensor corresponding to the entry in the table for "<key_1>"

positional arguments:
  rspecifier            The table to read
  dir                   The folder to write files to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Verbose level (higher->more logging)
  --config CONFIG
  --print-args PRINT_ARGS
  -i IN_TYPE, --in-type IN_TYPE
                        The type of table to read
  -o {float,double,half,byte,char,short,int,long}, --out-type {float,double,half,byte,char,short,int,long}
                        The type of torch tensor to write. If unset, it is inferrred from the input type
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file


write-torch-dir-to-table -h
usage: write-torch-dir-to-table [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [--config CONFIG] [--print-args PRINT_ARGS] [-o OUT_TYPE] [--file-prefix FILE_PREFIX] [--file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX]
                                dir wspecifier

Write a data directory containing PyTorch data files to a Kaldi table

    Reads from a folder in the format:


    Where each file contains a PyTorch tensor. The contents of the file
    "<file_prefix><key_1><file_suffix>" will be written as a value in a Kaldi table with
    key "<key_1>"

positional arguments:
  dir                   The folder to read files from
  wspecifier            The table to write to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Verbose level (higher->more logging)
  --config CONFIG
  --print-args PRINT_ARGS
  -o OUT_TYPE, --out-type OUT_TYPE
                        The type of table to write to
  --file-prefix FILE_PREFIX
                        The file prefix indicating a torch data file
  --file-suffix FILE_SUFFIX
                        The file suffix indicating a torch data file