Source code for

# Copyright 2021 Sean Robertson

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Submodule for reading and writing one-by-one, like (un)packing c structs"""

from builtins import str as text
from typing import Any, Optional

from pydrobert.kaldi import _internal as _i
from import KaldiIOBase
from import KaldiDataType
from import infer_kaldi_data_type

    from typing_extensions import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing import Literal

__all__ = [

[docs]def open_duck_stream( path: str, mode: Literal["r", "r+", "w"] = "r", header: bool = True ) -> KaldiIOBase: """Open a "duck" stream "Duck" streams provide an interface for reading or writing kaldi objects, one at a time. Essentially: remember the order things go in, then pull them out in the same order. Duck streams can read/write binary or text data. It is mostly up to the user how to read or write data, though the following rules establish the default: 1. An input stream that does not look for a 'binary header' is binary 2. An input stream that looks for and finds a binary header when opening is binary 3. An input stream that looks for but does not find a binary header when opening is a text stream 4. An output stream is always binary. However, the user may choose not to write a binary header. The resulting input stream will be considered a text stream when 3. is satisfied Parameters ---------- path The extended file name to be opened. This can be quite exotic. More details can be found on the `Kaldi website <>`_. mode Whether to open the stream for input (``'r'``) or output (``'w'``). ``'r+'`` is equivalent to ``'r'`` header Setting this to :obj:`True` will either check for a 'binary header' in an input stream, or write a binary header for an output stream. If False, no check/write is performed """ if mode in ("r", "r+"): return KaldiInput(path, header=header) elif mode == "w": return KaldiOutput(path, header=header) else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid Kaldi I/O mode "{}" (should be one of "r","r+","w")' "".format(mode) )
[docs]class KaldiInput(KaldiIOBase): """A kaldi input stream from which objects can be read one at a time Parameters ---------- path An extended readable file path header If False, no attempt will be made to look for the "binary" header in the stream; it will be assumed binary """ def __init__(self, path: str, header: bool = True): self._internal = _i.Input() if header: opened, binary = self._internal.Open(path) else: opened = self._internal.OpenWithoutHeader(path) binary = True if not opened: raise IOError("Unable to open {} for reading".format(path)) super(KaldiInput, self).__init__(path) self.binary = binary
[docs] def readable(self) -> bool: return True
readable.__doc__ = KaldiIOBase.readable.__doc__
[docs] def writable(self) -> bool: return False
writable.__doc__ = KaldiIOBase.writable.__doc__
[docs] def read( self, kaldi_dtype: KaldiDataType, value_style: Literal["b", "s", "d"] = "b", read_binary: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Any: """Read in one object from the stream Parameters ---------- kaldi_dtype The type of object to read value_style ``'wm'`` readers can provide not only the audio buffer (``'b'``) of a wave file, but its sampling rate (``'s'``), and/or duration (in sec, ``'d'``). Setting `value_style` to some combination of ``'b'``, ``'s'``, and/or ``'d'`` will cause the reader to return a tuple of that information. If `value_style` is only one character, the result will not be contained in a tuple read_binary : bool, optional If set, the object will be read as either binary (:obj:`True`) or text (:obj:`False`). The default behaviour is to read according to the `binary` attribute. Ignored if there's only one way to read the data """ if self.closed: raise IOError("I/O operation on closed file.") kaldi_dtype = KaldiDataType(kaldi_dtype) if read_binary is None: read_binary = self.binary try: if kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.WaveMatrix: if any(x not in "bsd" for x in value_style): raise ValueError( 'value_style must be a combination of "b", "s",' ' and "d"' ) tup = self._internal.ReadWaveData() # (data, samp_freq) ret = [] for code in value_style: if code == "b": ret.append(tup[0]) elif code == "s": ret.append(tup[1]) else: ret.append(tup[0].shape[1] / tup[1]) if len(ret) == 1: ret = ret[0] else: ret = tuple(ret) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Token: ret = self._internal.ReadToken(read_binary) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.TokenVector: ret = self._internal.ReadTokenVector() elif kaldi_dtype.is_basic: if kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Int32: ret = self._internal.ReadInt32() elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Int32Vector: ret = self._internal.ReadInt32Vector() elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Int32VectorVector: ret = self._internal.ReadInt32VectorVector() elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Int32PairVector: ret = self._internal.ReadInt32PairVector() elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Double: ret = self._internal.ReadDouble() elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Base: ret = self._internal.ReadBaseFloat() elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.BasePairVector: ret = self._internal.ReadBaseFloatPairVector() else: ret = self._internal.ReadBool() elif kaldi_dtype.is_num_vector: if kaldi_dtype.is_double: ret = self._internal.ReadVectorDouble(read_binary) else: ret = self._internal.ReadVectorFloat(read_binary) else: if kaldi_dtype.is_double: ret = self._internal.ReadMatrixDouble(read_binary) else: ret = self._internal.ReadMatrixFloat(read_binary) except RuntimeError as e: raise IOError("Unable to read data") from e return ret
[docs] def close(self): if not self.closed: self._internal.Close() self.closed = True
close.__doc__ = KaldiIOBase.close.__doc__
[docs]class KaldiOutput(KaldiIOBase): """A kaldi output stream from which objects can be written one at a time Parameters ---------- path An extended writable file path header Whether to write a header when opening the binary stream (:obj:`True`) or not. """ def __init__(self, path: str, header: bool = True): self._internal = _i.Output() super(KaldiOutput, self).__init__(path) if not self._internal.Open(path, self.binary, header): raise IOError("Unable to open {} for writing".format(path))
[docs] def readable(self) -> bool: return False
readable.__doc__ = KaldiIOBase.readable.__doc__
[docs] def writable(self) -> bool: return True
writable.__doc__ = KaldiIOBase.writable.__doc__
[docs] def write( self, obj: Any, kaldi_dtype: Optional[KaldiDataType] = None, error_on_str: bool = True, write_binary: bool = True, ): """Write one object to the stream Parameters ---------- obj The object to write kaldi_dtype The type of object to write error_on_str Token vectors (``'tv'``) accept sequences of whitespace-free ASCII/UTF strings. A ``str`` is also a sequence of characters, which may satisfy the token requirements. If `error_on_str` is :obj:`True`, a :class:`ValueError` is raised when writing a ``str`` as a token vector. Otherwise a ``str`` can be written write_binary The object will be written as binary (:obj:`True`) or text (:obj:`False`) Raises ------ ValueError If unable to determine a proper data type See Also -------- Illustrates how different inputs are mapped to data types """ if self.closed: raise IOError("I/O operation on closed file.") if kaldi_dtype is None: kaldi_dtype = infer_kaldi_data_type(obj) if kaldi_dtype is None: raise ValueError("Unable to find kaldi data type for {}".format(obj)) else: kaldi_dtype = KaldiDataType(kaldi_dtype) try: if kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.WaveMatrix: self._internal.WriteWaveData(obj[0], float(obj[1])) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Token: try: obj = obj.tolist() except AttributeError: pass self._internal.WriteToken(write_binary, obj) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.TokenVector: try: obj = obj.tolist() except AttributeError: pass if error_on_str and (isinstance(obj, str) or isinstance(obj, text)): raise ValueError( "Expected list of tokens, got string. If you want " "to treat strings as lists of character-wide tokens, " "set error_on_str to False when opening" ) self._internal.WriteTokenVector(obj) elif kaldi_dtype.is_basic: if kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Int32: self._internal.WriteInt32(write_binary, obj) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Int32Vector: self._internal.WriteInt32Vector(write_binary, obj) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Int32VectorVector: self._internal.WriteInt32VectorVector(write_binary, obj) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Int32PairVector: self._internal.WriteInt32PairVector(write_binary, obj) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Double: self._internal.WriteDouble(write_binary, obj) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.Base: self._internal.WriteBaseFloat(write_binary, obj) elif kaldi_dtype == KaldiDataType.BasePairVector: self._internal.WriteBaseFloatPairVector(write_binary, obj) else: self._internal.WriteBool(write_binary, obj) elif kaldi_dtype.is_num_vector: if kaldi_dtype.is_double: self._internal.WriteVectorDouble(write_binary, obj) else: self._internal.WriteVectorFloat(write_binary, obj) else: if kaldi_dtype.is_double: self._internal.WriteMatrixDouble(write_binary, obj) else: self._internal.WriteMatrixFloat(write_binary, obj) except RuntimeError as e: raise IOError("Unable to write data") from e
[docs] def close(self): if not self.closed: self._internal.Close() self.closed = True